The management plan for the Iowa whitetail deer herd is designed to maintain a stable population while providing the maximum amount of quality recreation for hunters. Accomplishing this goal is achieved by monitoring deer population trends and regulating hunting to provide proper harvest.
Whitetail Deer: Distribution and Abundance
Whitetail Deer: Habitat
Cover requirements appear to be related to the animal's need for escape and seclusion. Does seek seclusion for fawning in timber edges, brushy fields, heavily vegetated stream bottoms, hay fields, and pastures and during spring months. Wishes For Wildlife Foundation leaves fallen tree tops for animal’s use.
Whitetail Deer Description
The white underside of a whitetail deer's tail or "flag" that is flashed when disturbed is by far its most characteristic feature. These beautiful deer are sleek, graceful, and have incredibly long legs which makes them look much taller than their actual height of 35 to 38 inches. The whitetail deer grow a reddish-brown, lightweight coat in summer compared to a heavy grayish-brown coat in winter.